Leading Environmental Rehabilitation Practice:
Scientifically, Economically and Sustainably.
» Visionary Environmental Rehabilitation Solutions
» Crafting Value From Mine Environmental Assets
» Lowest Environmental Running Cost Per Ton Mined
» Demonstrable Environmental Performance
What we do
Agreenco offers new generation mine rehabilitation and environmental improvement services to mines. We view our customer’s environmental liabilities as natural assets, and scientifically interconnect the mine’s environmental infrastructure to transform minescapes naturally in the interest and to the benefit of all stakeholders.
We have become renowned as the go-to specialists and practitioners when expert solutions for mine rehabilitation, tailings environmental challenges, dust control, waste water management, ecological improvement and final mine closure practices. Our specialised team crafts site–specific solutions through the full value chain of our discipline, from engineering design to implementation and maintenance of our solutions. As part of our partnership approach, we offer a one-stop shop for the environmental rehabilitation and improvement needs of our customers.
Furthermore, we are pioneering legacy end-land use projects for mines, packaging viable commercial enterprises on unproductive and impacted land in order to reactivate the full potential of our customers’ natural assets. Our offerings are acutely aligned with the industry’s transformation requirements thereby delivering on their social licence to operate.
Mission and Values
Our approach
Driven by our passion for continual improvement and best cost-of-ownership solutions, our sole objective is to deliver exceptional environmental results. As we understand the business case of our customers’ environmental risk management requirements, we develop and implement our projects accordingly. However, the specific outcomes are first and foremost defined by the needs of our customers.
Our philosophy
At Agreenco we believe in outstanding service. We therefore strive to continuously exceed expectations through constant evaluation and communication regarding our proposed course of action to reach our customers’ final objectives. As we have a share in the success of the outcomes, we follow a partnered approach. To this end, we only consider ourselves successful, once we have delivered to our customer a return on environmental expenditure.
Our history
Over the past 20 years, Agreenco has grown from a classical university start-up company to a leading role player in the environmental services domain, and ourbrand has become synonymous with demonstrable environmental improvement in the South African mining industry. Today, our services are sought after by virtually all of the Blue Chip mining companies. We believe that our success can be attributed to our foundation in environmental engineering as well as the natural and agricultural sciences coupled with the recruitment of dedicated and well-qualified personnel. We pride ourselves on our track record of more than 200 large-scale projects across all commodities and virtually all environmental challenges that are common to the mining industry today.
Leading Mine Environmental Rehabilitation Practice: Scientifically, Economically, Sustainably.
Our 7 Values are secured in the non-negotiable premise of professionalism:
“transforming minescapes naturally and economically”
International Reach
Agreenco is successfully operating in selective African Countries
Agreenco is successfully extending its services into selective African countries and true to its reputation in South Africa, we can leverage our experience in the African context and apply site specific innovation to the benefit of our customers and the community at large. We customise our service offering according to each country’s specific legislation, implementing our customers’ on site intent, also considering the culture of the people and organisations that we deal with.
Corporate social responsibility
- Educational, environmental and sports–related sponsorships.
- Social projects which bring hope and is of direct benefit to the youth.
- Supporting young women and child health care centres.
- Providing employment opportunities for the local youth in all our projects.
- Improving the human, environmental and ecological health in the areas in which we operate, resulting in a better quality of life for everyone.